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Massages à l'huile | Un massage au Ventoux | Centre de massage au pied du Mont Ventoux | LE MASSAGE SPORTIF ou SUEDOIS-MASSAGE RECONFORT CALIFORNIEN-MASSAGE BALINAIS-MASSAGE AYURVEDIQUE ABYANGA


It is a dynamic massage technique which consists of a sequence of maneuvers performed mainly on the
musculature and joints, tendons.

Kneading is one of the key maneuvers of this massage, with the vibrations, effleurages, percussions and friction + or - accentuated.

He  aims to reduce and loosen muscle tension, it promotes relaxation and range of motion.

It promotes blood and lymphatic circulation, as well as the elimination of toxins.



It is given before practicing a sport such as cycling or running, it aims at muscle preparation.

For the recovery of athletes, back and neck massage enthusiasts, to drain the legs, especially cyclists and joggers.


Very popular with athletes and lovers of tonic massage.  

Also for its ability to reduce the effects of stress.

Massages à l'huile | Un massage au Ventoux | Centre de massage au pied du Mont Ventoux | LE MASSAGE SPORTIF ou SUEDOIS-MASSAGE RECONFORT CALIFORNIEN-MASSAGE BALINAIS-MASSAGE AYURVEDIQUE ABYANGA


The most famous massage in the WEST, it is a great classic of oil relaxation massages, it is a complete massage.
He was born in the United States in the 70s, it is a symbol of the New Age movement.
It offers a global body / mind approach aimed at deep relaxation and the awakening of a psycho-body consciousness.
His pace is slow.
The gestures are very enveloping and cocooning, slow and fluid.
It provides deep physical and mental relaxation, fights fatigue and depression.

It helps to let go and allows you to refocus
It relieves tension
It restores the nervous balance
Promoting blood and lymphatic circulation, it helps eliminate toxins.
The skin is markedly softened and supple.
It is ideal for stressed or anxious people, who accumulate tensions and contractures, likely to become painful and generate pathologies such as headaches, insomnia, back pain ...

Balinese massage is an ancestral practice from Bali in Indonesia. His techniques combine those of Indian, Chinese, Indonesian and mainly Indian massages.

It aims to balance the 3 elements:
air, water and fire, and acts through the Marmas (vital points) on the 3 systems represented by these 3 elements: the nervous system, the digestive system and the hormonal system.

Rebalances body and mind
Stress relief
Calming fatigue and tension
Relieves pain, especially lumbar
Soft and supple skin
Brings energy
Facilitates weight loss - Action on the masses of fat.

Massages à l'huile | Un massage au Ventoux | Centre de massage au pied du Mont Ventoux | LE MASSAGE SPORTIF ou SUEDOIS-MASSAGE RECONFORT CALIFORNIEN-MASSAGE BALINAIS-MASSAGE AYURVEDIQUE ABYANGA
Massages à l'huile | Un massage au Ventoux | Centre de massage au pied du Mont Ventoux | LE MASSAGE SPORTIF ou SUEDOIS-MASSAGE RECONFORT CALIFORNIEN-MASSAGE BALINAIS-MASSAGE AYURVEDIQUE ABYANGA



Hot oil massage from Ayurvedic medicine.

Tradition of North India and sacred medicine which attributes effects beyond relaxation and toning.


Abyanga creates an energy balance by eliminating amma (mixture of physical and mental toxins), so that the vital energy Prana circulates freely.  


Its principle is based on the balance between:


AIR  : VAT designating hormones and nerves,  

WATER: the KAPH designating the liquid in the body,

FIRE: the PITT designating the digestive organs and  



Inner well-being corresponds to  the harmony of these 3 elements.

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